Historical Absinthe Spoons

This absinthe spoon was made during World War I, from brass shell casings. If you look carefully, you can see two remarkable things: firstly, the soldier who owned this spoon inscribed his initials, “P.B.”, on the handle, and secondly, the holes form the date, “1914”.


One of the most expensive pre-ban absinthe spoons ever made, “Les Feuilles #20”. It was most likely used at high-end French hotels and restaurants.



The beautiful “Les Feuilles d’Absinthe #4 Absinthe Joanne”




Would You Buy?


First up, a brand new Lucid Absinthe balancier and absinthe glass… $17.50 on eBay last we checked (with shipping)… would you buy?


Lucid Absinthe balancier & glass

Lucid Absinthe hat… $16 on eBay, including shipping… would you buy?


lucid absinthe cap

Lucid Absinthe spoon & bottle of Lucid for only $17 on eBay… BUT the bottle is empty… would you buy?

Lucid Absinthe on eBay

Lucid Absinthe Blog 5/24/2013

Want to educate yourself about absinthe? Next Thursday, May 30, The Savoy in Chicago is hosting “Exploring Absinthe: Oscar Wilde to Marilyn Manson.” Absinthe expert Deidre Darling (The Savoy’s bar manager) will focus on absinthe cocktails and the difference between types of absinthe. Tickets @ http://chicagoabsinthe-es2.eventbrite.com/


Tumblr users have taken some great absinthe art and, in the spirit of creativity, altered it…



Absinthe Quotes

“The French drank absinthe with ice water and an optional piece of sugar. In America, we were all about fancy [absinthe] cocktails.” – Lucid distiller Ted Breaux

lucid absinthe and midori

“There’s an intoxicating romance and a ceremony to absinthe that no other liquor has.” – Cooper Gillespie, general manager and head bartender at Thirsty Crow

enjoying absinthe 2

“The flavor of absinthe is… a unique and different one for the American palette to grasp.” – Marc Bernhard of Pacific Distillery


Absinthe Related Videos

A new shirt design: “It Makes The Heart Grow Stronger”. This shirt is artist Megan Lara’s tribute to absinthe.

A beautiful video of absinthe louching. There is something so relaxing about watching the water drip and the absinthe turn opaque

Here’s a video of absinthe drinking in a beautiful hotel in Paris. The video is very informative, except for the part at 1:07 where wormwood is claimed to have hallucinogenic properties. This is not true! Other than that, terrific video.