Lucid Absinthe Blog 8/12/2013

Who is your favorite absinthe-drinking artist? Oscar Wilde, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Édouard Manet, Ernest Hemingway, or someone else?
absinthe artists

“Lucid Absinthe is crafted using only the original equipment and methods employed by the artisans of the past, without compromises or shortcuts.” – Ted Breaux

“[In 19th century France], the time between five and seven in the evening became known as “the green hour” and one small glass would be drunk in a genteel fashion.” – The Sunday Express
absinthe and spoon

Lucid Absinthe Blog 8/7/2013

Do you know who this man is?
Hint #1: he helped get absinthe legalized in the U.S.
Hint #2:
7-30 WB Ted

“Ted Breaux is an alchemist. He weaves straw and turns it into gold.”
– DrinkUpNY

Coming this Friday on Lucid’s blog… an upscale cocktail from the classic Savoy Cocktail book

Lucid Absinthe Blog 8/5/2013

How would you describe Lucid Absinthe, in 7 words or less?

The New York Times describes Lucid Absinthe as “well-balanced with smoky anise and spice flavors.”

“Some outfits sell specially wrapped absinthe sugar. These are ridiculous. A box of sugar cubes from your favorite grocer will do fine.”
– JK Grence, The Phoenix NewTimes
absinthe with brown sugar

Lucid Absinthe Blog 7/31/2013

“If you want a specific recommendation for a first absinthe, I’m fond of Lucid, the first post-ban absinthe sold in the United States.”

– JK Grence, The Phoenix NewTimes


“Not only do [absinthes] require water, they require just the right amount, anywhere from three to five parts water to one part absinthe.”

– The New York Times


The Blackthorn Absinthe cocktail is an exceedingly agreeable drink. Learn the recipe this Friday.

blackthorn absinthe cocktail 2

Making The Green Fairy

One creative soul named Cat Woody didn’t just drink the green fairy, she made her.

Making the Green Fairy 6

Step 1 was making the outfit.

Making the Green Fairy 1

Step 2 was making the green fairy’s legs.

Making the Green Fairy 2

Step 3 was making the green fairy’s face.

Making the Green Fairy 3

Here is the green fairy, nearly complete. Can you guess what’s missing?

Making the Green Fairy 4

Let’s not forget the green fairy’s wings…

Making the Green Fairy 5

You can buy this green fairy at